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ہائتھ بے چلڈرن سنٹر میں نرسری شروع کرنا

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ہم تجویز کرتے ہیں کہ آپ اپنے بچے کو 12 ماہ قبل نرسری میں رجسٹر کر لیں۔


نرسری شروع کرنا تمام خاندان کے لیے ایک دلچسپ وقت ہے۔  ہم چاہتے ہیں کہ نرسری میں آتے وقت بچے پراعتماد، خود مختار اور تجسس کا احساس پیدا کریں۔


ان مہارتوں کو فروغ دینے کے لیے ہم بہت سی حسی سرگرمیاں اور تجربات پیش کرتے ہیں، جن کی رہنمائی Early Years Foundation Stage (Early Years Curriculum) کے قانونی فریم ورک سے ہوتی ہے۔


نرسری ہر کمرے میں سیکھنے کے واضح طور پر بیان کردہ علاقوں کے ساتھ بہت اچھی طرح سے وسائل رکھتی ہے۔  سیکھنے کی سرگرمیاں جن سے آپ کے بچے کا سامنا ہوتا ہے وہ کھیل پر مبنی ہوں گی اور حقیقی زندگی کے تجربات پر مبنی ہوں گی۔  بامعنی بچے کی طرف سے شروع کی گئی اور بالغوں کی مدد سے عملی سرگرمیوں کے ذریعے، بچے دنیا کے بارے میں تصوراتی سمجھ پیدا کرنا شروع کر دیتے ہیں۔

خاندان کا کلیدی شخص

ہر بچے کے پاس ایک بہت ہی خاص شخص ہوتا ہے جو آپ کے بچے کی مکمل صلاحیتوں کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے آپ کے ساتھ کام کرے گا۔  


ہم مل کر آپ کے بچے کی پری اسکول ڈویلپمنٹ کا ایک تفصیلی سیکھنے کا جریدہ بناتے ہیں۔

ہوم وزٹ اور سیٹلنگ

یہ ضروری ہے کہ تمام والدین/دیکھ بھال کرنے والے اور بچے خوش اور پر اعتماد محسوس کریں۔  ہمارے ساتھ شامل ہونے پر  ہم  تصفیہ کے عمل کے ایک حصے کے طور پر نرسری کے دورے اور ہوم وزٹ کا موقع فراہم کریں۔  اس سے پہلے کہ آپ کا بچہ اپنا مکمل سیشن شروع کر دے، ہم قیام اور کھیلنے اور سیٹلنگ سیشنز کا بندوبست کرتے ہیں، جس میں 10 گھنٹے تک مفت سیٹلنگ ٹائم ہوتا ہے۔ 

ملاقات کا بندوبست کرنے کے لیے عملے کے کسی رکن سے رابطہ کرنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔

ابتدائی سالوں کا فاؤنڈیشن اسٹیج

ہمارے پاس ایک کیوں ہے؟

EYFS فریم ورک تمام پیشہ ور افراد کی مدد کے لیے موجود ہے جو سیکھنے کی سرگرمیوں کی منصوبہ بندی کرنے، مشاہدہ کرنے اور اس بات کا اندازہ کرنے کے لیے کہ آپ کا بچہ کیا اور کیسے سیکھ رہا ہے اور ترقی کر رہا ہے۔


آپ کے بچے کی پیشرفت کا اندازہ لگایا جائے گا اور وہ ابتدائی سیکھنے کے اہداف کی طرف کام کرے گا جو 5 سال کی عمر میں متوقع سطح کے طور پر مقرر کیا گیا ہے۔

Fees and Registration

We recommend registering your child 12 months before you'd like them to attend nursery.

At Hythe Bay Nursery we believe in open communication with all parents/carers and staff and therefore present this fees structure in order to ensure that everyone fully understands our charging.  


  • Our fee structure for non-funded places is fully inclusive of all meals, drinks and snacks. These meals are cooked by our qualified chef in the nursery kitchen, catering to dietary needs.


  • Our fees do not include outings, celebrations or entertainment that is in addition to our usual session activities. However, children are often given the opportunity to go on local outings which are free.


  • We are open for approximately 49 weeks of the year in our full-time Nursery rooms (with closures at Christmas and at the end of August/beginning of September for essential cleaning and maintenance) and for 38 weeks per year in our term time only Safari room.  


  • We are closed for Bank Holidays.  

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Fees from May 2024
Baby Pricing

3 - 23 months

8am - 6pm

Toddler / Preschool Pricing
2 - 5 years

8am - 6pm

Term Time Only Pricing
2 - 5 years

9am - 3pm (term time only)


8am - 1pm ...................................  £37.86


1pm - 6pm ...................................  £37.86

Short Day

8am - 4pm ...................................  £60.57

Long Day

8am - 6pm ...................................  £74.33


8am - 1pm ...................................  £34.11


1pm - 6pm ...................................  £34.11

Short Day

8am - 4pm ...................................  £54.59

Long Day

8am - 6pm ...................................  £66.91


9am - 12 noon .............................  £20.47


12 noon - 3pm  ............................  £20.47

Full Day

9am - 3pm ...................................  £40.94



This payment from parents will contribute towards the cost of administration, meals, trips and extra-curricular activities. 


Due within two weeks' of invoice

or weekly in advance

Including illness


(applicable to Sea, Farm and Garden rooms only)

Fees are payable in advance in accordance with the rates in force at the time.  Fees are reviewed annually in September of each year, or in the event of any changes to the Provider Agreement.  Invoices are issued at the beginning of each month, payment is due within two weeks of the invoice date or weekly in advance.

No refund will be given in the event of a child's absence due to illness or any other reason other than the pre-booked holiday entitlement (detailed opposite).

Each child that is not booked in for term time only is entitled to 2 weeks of their booked sessions as holiday at half fees each year (September to August) if attending the Main Nursery.  Please ask your Key person for a Holiday Form which must be submitted with at least two weeks' notice.

Help with costs

Please refer to our Fees Structure for full terms and conditions regarding our fees.


Admissions Policy

In the case of oversubscription, places in the Nursery are offered according to the following criteria:


  1. Children already attending the setting

  2. Siblings of children already attending the setting

  3. Applications supported by Social Services

  4. Date registration form received


All children become eligible for up to 15 hours Free Early Education the term after their 3rd birthday. 

Some 2, 3 and 4 year old children may also be eligible for working parent entitlement funding from the term after their 2nd birthday.


Some 2 year olds can get up to 15 hours of free early education each week, known as Free for Two funding.

Some parents may be eligible for Tax Free Childcare.


Click the button below for further information or visit the childcare choices website.

We will request a small voluntary contribution from parents to help towards the cost of administration, meals, trips and extra-curricular activities as these costs are not covered by the government funding. We suggest £3.65 per week per child, for children who are in receipt of funded hours. Bill payers are able to increase or decrease this amount by speaking to Karla, our Administration Officer.


Free Early Education (FEE)

The following information details how your child can access their FEE hours at this Nursery. 


All children become eligible for 15 hours Free Early Education (known as the 'Universal Entitlement') or 12 hours stretched over 48 weeks a year the term after their 3rd birthday. 


Working parents of 2, 3 and 4 year olds might be able to access up to an additional 15 hours Free Early Education (known as the 'Working Parent Entitlement' or 'Extended Entitlement;) subject to eligibility criteria. This means that some 3 and 4 year olds could be eligible for up to 30 hours free childcare each week in term time, or up to 24 hours each week if stretched across the year. 


To find out if you are eligible please visit the Childcare choices website

Some 2-year-olds can get up to 15 hours of free early education each week for 38 weeks a year or 12 hours each week over 48 weeks of the year.  This is a national scheme, currently available to 2-year-olds who are looked after by the local authority or whose parents receive specific benefits. Parents/carers can check with the Manager/Administrator to find out if their child qualifies, alternatively contact The Kent Children and Families Information Service  Telephone: 03000 41 23 23 or visit Childcare Choices.



A child is eligible for FEE at the start of the term after their second (if eligible), or third birthday:

A child born on or between


1st April and 31st August

1st September and 31st December

1st January and 31st March

might become eligible from


Start of Term 1, in September, following their 2nd/3rd birthday

Start of Term 3, in January, following their 2nd/3rd birthday

Start of Term 5, in April, following their 2nd/3rd birthday

The Free Early Entitlement at Hythe Bay Children's Centre Nursery

 For details on how the FEE is offered, please click on the following link:



This payment from parents will contribute towards the cost of administration, meals, trips and extra-curricular activities.



You will be invoiced in the usual way showing how many free hours your child is receiving in that period and what the additional charges are.


Please note that the FEE can be split between 2 providers up to a maximum of 30 hours.

بچوں کا مرکز نرسری

اور سکول کلب سے باہر

چیریٹی نمبر 1175752

آفسٹڈ منفرد حوالہ نمبر EY556679

ہائتھ بے  بچوں کا مرکز

سنک پورٹس ایونیو



CT21 6HS

نرسری ٹیلی فون: 01303 267802

سکول سے باہر کلب:  01303 260548  

سفاری کمرہ:  01303 260548

فیکس: 01303 237450

ای میل:

  • Parents' Closed Group
  • Public Facebook Page
  • OSC Public Facebook Page

والدین اور عملے کے لیے بند فیس بک گروپ

عوامی فیس بک پیج


عوامی فیس بک پیج  

سکول کلب سے باہر

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TEP Early Years Education for Sustainable Development Award logo use large BRONZE.jpg

Hythe Bay Church of England Primary School
Click on the link above to go to the website for Hythe Bay C of E Primary School

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