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Global Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Hythe Community

Hythe Bay Nursery teaches children the importance of their local community 
We regularly go on outings to the parks, canal, beach, residential home and shops. We talk about different people and buildings around Hythe. Here are some photos from our local trips!

Hythe Community

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We had two Hythe canal boats donated to us!
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Our Nursery Leavers' Event August 2020
We arranged for a Fire Engine to visit us at nursery! They showed us how their equipment works and let us climb through the fire engine seats!
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Our children went to see the new poppy in Hythe!
We arranged for some Police to visit us and they let us dress up in their uniforms!
Visiting the ladies and gentlemen at Tynwald!
tynwald residential home
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Visiting the Railway Station
Here are some of our recent community-themed activities!
hythe age uk
This story is used to support children's developing awareness of empathy and compassion. The Giant in the story lives in a diverse community with differing needs; he sees others in need and is able to help them!
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