Hythe Bay Church of England Primary School
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Über uns
Das Mitarbeiterteam des Hythe Bay Children's Center beschreibt unsere Kindergarten als
'a ein nährender und sicherer Ort für alle Kinder, um zu wachsen, zu lernen, zu lachen und unabhängige Lernende zu werden.
Unser Hintergrund
Hythe Bay ist ein Treuhänder betreiben Kinderzentrum Kindergarten bietet eine breite Palette von Einrichtungen für die Betreuung und Entwicklung von Kindern im Alter von 3 Monaten bis 5 Jahren . Die Einstellung hat den Status einer Wohltätigkeitsorganisation und ist daher eine sich selbst finanzierende, gemeinnützige Organisation Organisation. Erbaut im September 2000 hat unsere Hauptgärtnerei eine helle, luftige, offene Umgebung, die zu einem weitläufigen Spielbereich im Freien führt . Der Strand, der Kanal, der Park und die Geschäfte sind bequem zu Fuß erreichbar und bieten hervorragende alltägliche Lernmöglichkeiten , um alle Bereiche der Early Years Foundation Stage zu erweitern und zu entwickeln: Persönliche soziale und emotionale Entwicklung, Kommunikation und Sprache, körperliche Entwicklung, Mathematik, Alphabetisierung, Ausdruckskunst und Gestaltung und Die Welt verstehen.
Unsere Angestelten
Wir haben hochqualifiziertes Personal, das sich um Kinder kümmert und sie erzieht , einschließlich qualifizierter Lehrer und einer Erzieherin. Unser erfahrene Mitarbeiter s verfügen über hervorragende Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, um alle Kinder beim Wachsen und Lernen zu unterstützen, einschließlich Kinder mit zusätzlichen Bedürfnissen und Behinderungen. Unsere Mitarbeiter arbeiten partnerschaftlich mit Fachleuten zusammen , wie z Logopäden, Grundschullehrer, Fachlehrer, Gleichstellungs- und Inklusionsteammitglieder, Ergotherapeuten und Physiotherapeuten. Unsere Mitarbeiter werden regelmäßig intern , in Kursen und an der Universität geschult. Zu den letzten Schulungen, an denen unsere Mitarbeiter teilgenommen haben, gehören: Personenschutz / Kinderschutz, Kinderersthilfe, Lebensmittelhygiene, Arbeitssicherheit, Gefährdungsbeurteilung, Brandschutz, Betreuung von Zweijährigen, Mitarbeit Babys, Phonetik (Alphabetisierung), positives Verhaltensmanagement, Identifizierung Sonderpädagogik und Behinderungen, Unterstützung von Kindern mit Englisch als Zweitsprache, globale Aktion für nachhaltige Entwicklung, Führung und Management, Verhinderung von Terrorismus, Verfolgung und Überwachung der Fortschritte von Kindern, Beobachtungen, Bewertungen und Planung, Wartung Ofsted 'Hervorragend', Koordinator für Sonderpädagogik und Behinderungen (SENCO), Bewusstsein für Behinderungen und derzeitige Planung.
Unsere Umwelt
Diese Mitarbeiter bieten Kindern unterhaltsame Aktivitäten und eine anregende Umgebung , damit Kinder lernen und Fortschritte machen können. Unsere Kinder werden den ganzen Tag über mit gesunden Mahlzeiten versorgt, die in unserer Küche von unserem qualifizierten Koch ohne Aufpreis zubereitet werden. Unser Koch geht auf Allergien und diätetische Einschränkungen ein, Wir setzen uns für die Sicherung und Förderung des Wohlergehens von Kindern und Jugendlichen ein. Wir sind stolz auf unser vollständig integratives Umfeld bietet einfachen Zugang und behindertengerechte Einrichtungen, einschließlich Behindertenparkplätze und abgesenkte Bordsteine. Wir werden angemessene Anpassungen an unserer Umgebung und Praxis vornehmen, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Kind einbezogen wird und sich entfalten kann,
Erfahrungsberichte der Eltern
Verlassen Sie sich nicht nur auf unser Wort, sondern lesen Sie hier die Erfahrungsberichte, Bewertungen und Empfehlungen unserer Eltern.
Sonstige Dienstleistungen
Hythe Bay Church of England Primary School und Out of School Clubs sind am selben Ort, Einrichtungen teilen und Kindern eine Fülle warmer, konsistenter und qualitativ hochwertiger Betreuung bieten die Möglichkeit, durch einen spielerischen Lehrplan zu lernen und als Individuen behandelt zu werden.
Schlüsselperson der Familie
Jedes Kind hat eine ganz besondere Person, die mit Ihnen zusammenarbeitet, um das volle Potenzial Ihres Kindes auszuschöpfen.
Gemeinsam erstellen wir ein ausführliches Lerntagebuch über die vorschulische Entwicklung Ihres Kindes.
Parent Testimonials
Hythe Bay Nursery Parents Questionnaire Responses January 2024
What do you like best about our nursery?
Hythe Bay Nursery provides my daughter with a lovely, safe and fun learning environment. The staff are brilliant, really friendly and both myself and my child are very happy.
The staff are wonderful and genuinely care for our girls which we love.
The staff are amazing and make it the place it is.
Really appreciate the feedback and child development plans.
Great variety of activities.
How friendly and helpful everyone is, and that the staff really care about the children.
How open the space is rather than enclosed smaller rooms.
All of the adults in pre-school room know the children really well and give lots of feedback at the end of the day. You can really tell they care about the children and their development.
The communication is fantastic, we always get a good update when we pick up and we love the feedback page and parents app to remind me of events.
Continue to update on ParentZone, I love seeing what my child has done.
Feels nice. My Child is in good, safe hands. He is learning all of the time.
The setting is clean and tidy. The staff are lovely and knowledgeable. Communication is great. My child is happy and develops well.
Lovely facilities, staff and activities. My child loves going.
Everyone is friendly, my child is happy there. Her confidence has grown a lot,
My child always seems to be learning whilst she plays. She has been supported in developing her social skills.
Nursery staff are very caring and understanding, very helpful. Children get to experience a variety of topics to learn in a lot of different ways.
Calm; clean; fantastic staff; always made to feel welcomed and given lots of detail of our child's day. Karla always replies to my inquiries. The nursery feels like home from home.
I like that my child has a hot meal.
Arts, craft/different activities to do at home. Love the regular photos via the app.
Updates on my child and photos.
The staff.
That I can speak to our key person regarding my child.
The relationship our key person makes with children. Our key person really knows how to handle my child's meltdowns. All are happy and greet the children lovely.
All staff are helpful, kind and caring. I know our children are always having fun and are being well looked after.
Caring approach, child centred thinking. Fun!
The baby room get to know the children really well and my child cheers when we arrive in the mornings, so he's definitely happy at Hythe Bay, which is what we like best! Pragmatic staff who communicate well is also really appreciated.
I like the key person approach and the environment with the fresh cooked meals.
The open plan environment and the outdoor space as well as learning toys.
The staff, the environment, the ethos.
The openness/kindness to listening to me/my concerns as a first time parent.
Hythe Bay Nursery Parents Questionnaire Responses January 2024
Positive comments from the comments boxes:
We would like to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to all staff for creating a calm, safe and fun environment where our child has thrived. We appreciated the love and hard work that you all put in to the nursery.
The best nursery!
Your nursery is amazing because it's a place where the children get to learn, play and make new friends. That's always a recipe for fun and growth.
We are super happy about everything. Not sure if I can think of any improvements!
This is a brilliant nursery and my child loves it there.
Happy to see so much use of the outside areas.
Can't think of anything you can do better.
Keep doing what you do.
I like how although there is only one key person, my child know all of the adults in the nursery.
Just keep doing what you are doing.
My child highly enjoys nursery and we have never had any issues.
My child comes out happy every time.
Very friendly team.
Our keyperson is amazing.
Hythe Bay Nursery Parents Questionnaire Responses January 2023
What do you like best about our nursery?
The staff are brilliant, and I feel like they really know my children and can always give me a detailed view of what they have been doing in the day.
Staff are very helpful and my child always comes away happy.
The variety of activities they get to do, the fact that they also get exposed to children of different ages, and the care of the staff.
The staff have a genuine interest in the children and care about their wellbeing. The communication is great with regards to their daily activities, food, sleep, etc.
I have liked how friendly and approachable all the staff have been. The nursery has a warm, welcoming and happy atmosphere, which has reassured me during my child’s settling in sessions and first week starting nursery.
I know my child loves coming to nursery and adores his key worker.
We feel the care provided by staff is excellent. The nursery seems like a calm and nurturing environment. Thank you for EVERYTHING you do.
Great staff, creative activities and wonderful environment!
Feedback from our key persons is excellent and I know that my children are very happy with their key people.
It’s an amazing environment with great staff.
How happy it makes our child. Also all the things the lovely staff have taught my child along the way!
The staff.
Lovely staff that care about the children and get to know them.
The multiple activities which are engaging. Safe and nurturing environment.
Our child has been flourishing in the nursery – he has really enjoyed the variety of activities, being with his friends and the input the staff give him.
Our child is so happy with you. It feels like a family – all staff are caring and welcoming.
How you have supported our child to become more confident. Your staff and children are all so welcoming, we couldn’t be happier.
The staff are all great and easy to talk to and know the children really well.
‘The stick insect’, ‘ice cream’, ‘lunch’ – from our child. The staff – my child’s key person and buddy and the rest are excellent. Pick up / drop off times really useful.
That we feel comfortable with the team.
The kind staff and help with my recent injury.
The obvious and genuine care and dedication of the team.
You have always been fantastic with our child and she loves coming to preschool. Communications with her key person, particularly around her eating / drinking, has been great and we are so grateful for the way you all support our child. Thank you.
Overall experience.
Excellent staff. Good routines. Love the use of outside area. Outstanding continuous provision – our child is always eager to retell his learning experiences each day.
Its warm and friendly staff. Children are happy at nursery and have lots of opportunities to be independent and expressive.
How much we can see our child learning and developing all the time, seeing her happy at the end of the day, getting feedback from the staff.
The encouragement of our child’s development and assistance with her meal times as eating has always been a challenge with her.
How caring the staff are towards the children, helpful the staff are to parents.
Our child looks forward to coming to nursery and openly talks about the staff in a positive manner.
Friendly people.
Hythe Bay Nursery Parents Questionnaire Responses January 2023
Positive comments from the comments boxes:
Our child is always happy to be left and now reaches for his key person when he arrives.
Our child always comes home happy and exhausted.
Our child is very happy to go to nursery and seems settled.
The pictures we receive always look great.
Our child is happy and has made progress in his development.
We are so happy we choose Hythe Bay for our child.
Thank you for all that you do!
Each key worker has been amazing!
I’ve been very impressed with the nursery.
It’s been great for his development.
There is a great mix of activities.
We are super impressed with the nursery and the staff.
Our child is very attached to her key person especially and we like having one main contact.
[The nursery staff team are] wonderful, welcoming, friendly and caring.
Our child has a wonderful time with such a range of activities.
We love seeing photos of what our child has done.
Our child loves her key person but is happy with all the staff.
We love [the nursery staff team].
Fantastic team.
[Communication about my child’s development] has improved since last time.
Staff are excellent.
[The key person approach] is very helpful.
Thank you!
[Our key person] is a star – thank you.
[the nursery staff team is] excellent – all fantastic and helpful.
[The nursery activities are] great and varied.
[Teaching and learning is] outstanding!
Very happy with the overall experience.